
the birth of Godric Nathaneal.

This is my first birthing experience on the other side of the camera. I can honestly say it was nothing short of absolutely amazing! This is too awesome to hold you up with small talk so here it is......
The full birth story::
And of course, a few favorites::

Thank you, thank you, thank you [again] to Nate's mommy and daddy for inviting me to be a part of this incredible day. Your family is simply beautiful! Also thank you for allowing me to share the magic of the birth and power of birth photography with others. 
If you are in the Abbeville/Greenwood/Anderson area and would like more information on birth photography or would like your birth experience photographed, please contact me as soon as possible---noelbmartinphotography@gmail.com. Also if you didn't see this post on birth photography, check it out---lots of info there! :)

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Time flies.

I still remember the day this sweet, gorgeous girl was born. Like it was a couple of weeks ago. She is only about 2 months older than my Bells. Absolutely ridiculous how fast these girls are growing up. She just celebrated her 4th birthday a few weeks ago. Ridiculous. 
Josh and I have known these two for quite a while. They are both pretty awesome. And I'm sooo glad to see them both so very happy! :)
And just in case I forgot to mention, this is one of my new all time favorite pictures--If I remember correctly 10 seconds before this shot Anna said "Ok, look at me....and don't. laugh. Ok?" ::
[and here we go again with the weird colors......sorry guys! I promise you don't look pale and green on my end---hopefully whoever, wherever will get the issue fixed.....SOON!]
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This face.

Yep, this one. Oh my! It's hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. When I came across this one, I actually laughed out loud...sitting here, all by myself, sounding like a crazy person while my children nap. Fabulous. 
Anyway, just thought I'd share the laughter! Be back soon with the rest of the sneak peek. :)
Ready?! ................here she is:::

I don't know what in the world is going on with the uploaders lately. Facebook, Blogger, even Flickr is throwing out some really wonky colors. Here's a screenshot of Miss Priss in PS.....see, her face doesn't look pale and green-ish, like she's on the verge of vomitting! :)

Ok. Carry on. 
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A House Divided---Carolina Gamecocks & Clemson Tigers!

If you live in or even visited Upstate, SC, there's no doubt in my mind you've heard the question----Clemson or Carolina? The most awesomest of us always answer:: CAROLINA! :)
Here we have a house/family divided. Yep, Clemson and Carolina fans living under the same roof. I bet that can get pretty interesting, especially during football season! Clemson/Carolina Day---oh, I don't even want to imagine what these girls have to put up with from the guys when Clemson lo---uh, nevermind......j/k. Anyway, guess we'll just have to wait and see! :)
On to the sneak peek of this adorable family! 
[Insert side note here:: Facebook and it's stinkin' photo uploader are officially on my bad side! After it F I N A L L Y decided to let me upload this sneak peek, the pictures looked ...........well let's just say they looked nothing like they do on my computer or even on here! I don't know what's going on with the FB uploading system, but it's really making me consider [only] bloggin' the sneak peeks....thoughts?! opinions?! anything at all.....?]

This kid. is a. mess! Awesome start to a Saturday morning! :)

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It's the weeeeeekend! )

Ok, so you know when you trip and fall or something totally clumsy like that.....and you immediately jump up, pretending nothing happened and look around to see who--if anyone--saw?! Think about it. Totally a normal reaction, right? Well, I feel like that's kind of what I did with my blog. Abandoned the poor thing, left it to fend for itself, and then just hopped back into it the other day [with this post...which you definitely need to check out and let the referring begin!!!!]...acting like nothing had ever happened. Like it hadn't been--what 6 months since my last post!?!?! Come on, really now Noel?! I am still working on the whole 're-doing' of the blog. It can be quite confusing, and I can get really frustrated with confusing-ness. 
So, here's my weekend update with Seth Meyers---ok, not really Seth Meyers. Kind of got caught up in SNL for a brief moment. If you're not interest in the weekend update, then read it anyway or skip on down to the end of the post for a quick version of sneak peeks [[Scratch that! I'll just have to do individual catch up posts....it's the only way to keep things organized!]] since the author of the blog has been MIA! 
Sooooo anyway, it's a quiet Sunday night. The kids are in bed. It's been an awesome----absolutely a.w.e.s.o.m.e!!!---weekend! Josh left Thursday evening, headed out for the entire weekend, for a hunting trip. Much to my surprise, they came rolling back in Saturday afternoon. Yay! I will admit I do miss the guy when he's gone. Saturday afternoon was also one of the biggest games of the USC games of the season. That's right---GAMECOCKS vs. Bama. I saw looooaaaads of smack talk from some Clems......oh, I mean ""Alabama"" fans. HA! In the end, Carolina showed everyone that to BE the B-E-S-T, you must BEAT the best!!! Final Score---Carolina:: 35; Alabama:: 21. **Ahhh-mazing game! So, like I said--Fabulous. Saturday. Today was pretty relaxing, which is always a nice thing. Josh killed a 'buck-it' [in the vocabulary of Jake this is referring to a buck] this morning. So we participated in the 'afterwards festivities' of that. OH!! And the 10.10.10 thing had me pretty excited too. Yes, I'm a total number dork. And thought it was cool, ok!? Tomorrow is a pretty big day for Bella and Jake---their very first hunt! They are pretty stinkin' stoked....and I won't deny it---I am too! Hopefully I'll have a different type of photo to show tomorrow! :)
Ok, I'll be working on the 'catch up' posts over the next few days! Enjoy! :)
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It's the most important day of your baby's life.......

their BIRTH day!

Birth Photography. It's something I've been putting some major thought into lately, and I've decided I definitely want to give it a try. There are very few events in life as special as the birth of a new baby. As a mother of 2 [pretty sweet] little stinkers, I know how intense, busy, and emotional the birthing process can be. You are so wrapped up in the labor and emotions, there are so many important and precious memories that can easily be missed or forgotten. The job of your birth photographer is to document the entire birth story---as quietly and unobtrusively as possible. Taking special care to capture the once in a lifetime moments----::The connection between Mommy and Daddy during labor. ::What your baby looked like the second they entered this world. ::What was your reaction? ::Daddy's?  ::What was going on in the room? ::Who was there to welcome your baby? All of these things can get lost in the fog of labor. The memories from that day will be some of the most precious you'll ever have.
I would be honored to create a photo documentary of the birth of your child. Capturing each and every moment, every detail you want to remember forever. 
I will be giving away TWO birthing sessions! These sessions will include full documentary of your child's birth day, a DVD slideshow of the birth story, and a set of 30 low-resolution, watermarked digital images for you to use on your Facebook, personal blog, or emailing to friends and family. If you or anyone you know would be interested in one of these sessions, please email me:: noelbmartinphotography@gmail.com
For an example of birth photography, check out this awesome photographer in TX----totally inspiring! 

Now, it's not really a secret that newborn sessions are one of my absolute favorite kinds of sessions. I won't even attempt to deny it :). Especially those super new babes--still soooo pink and squishy. They still have those precious wrinkles and fuzzy hair, that they so quickly grow out of. Man, what's not to love?! Shortly after the birthing session, a newborn session should definitely be on the books :). I'll leave y'all with one of my latest favorite newborn shots---Isn't she absolutely gorgeous?! :)

 HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! :) 

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*Construction Zone!

Yep, that's right---Construction! on this poor little blog. A while back I decided I'd try--{key word---TRY!} to change things up a bit on my blog. Weeeelllll, that didn't go quite as planned. Turns out I'm totally bloggin' illiterate. So I found this super awesome chick on fiverr.com who's helping out and giving the blog a makeover!! :) I'm super excited and can't wait to see what she does to fix the blogger mess I created! So check back soon to see what's going on around here.....
*hammering sign into the virtual ground*

************Construction Zone!****************


Mr. C and Miss E!

Here is the handsome Mr. Carson, and his absolutely gorgeous sister Elizabeth! These were 2 of the sweetest babies---ever! They both have sooo much personality...can ya tell!? Carson {with a few suggestions from his mommy} decided to included his best friend..and adorable teddy bear...Sammy!
Thanks again y'all! Feel free to steal these for sharing with family and friends/Facebook, etc..... :)
Here are a few of my favorites::

Mr. Carson and his best friend--Sammy!

Baby C! --3 weeks old

Baby Colton has been my very youngest model...so far! And how adorable is he?! I could just eat him right up! :) At 3 weeks old, he wasn't too keen on napping while I was in his face snapping away. But he did close those little peepers *very briefly* so I could get some of those precious sleeping shots!
Bennie & Emily, thank you for inviting me into your home to {torture your baby boy for 2 hours, lol!} and capture those sweet newborn moments! Feel free to share these with family and friends.
My favs {-check out those awesome blue eyes}::

Miss A!

And again, I've been pretty behind on my {bloggin'} lately, so here's to hoping I get it all caught up tonight! :)
Here are a few of one of my favorite, gorgeous girls! The beautiful Miss A! If you remember, I had a session with her when she was 10 weeks old. http://noelbmartinphotography.blogspot.com/2009/11/baby-girl-aliyah.html --Check out how much Miss A has changed over the last few months!
Richey's--Feel free to use these on Facebook, emailing family, etc.
Here are my favs::